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Sunday, February 23, 2014


By: Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon

Once again I found myself reading a romance.  This is not exactly my genre.  While I can admire romances in books with intricate plots, romances just  don't do the same thing for me.  In general, I find it annoying when one character is constantly thinking about another.  This was an average romance.  The main character Veronica was in love with another character, Jamie, the entire time.  There was some suspense and action but most of it was about the romance, which makes sense, because Doon is a romance.  I won't say it was an extraordinary romance but it also didn't fall short.  Veronica is a girl from the United States.  Her dad left her when she was 12, her mom is marrying someone she hates, and her boyfriend just left her.  Overall, her life is pretty bad.  Her friend Kenna takes her to Scotland for the summer where they discover a magical world called Doon.  Doon passes time at about one fourth as fast as "the mortal world."  A bridge to Doon only opens every one hundred mortal years for one day unless you have two special rings.  Veronica and Kenna have these rings so they arrive in Doon two weeks before the passage to Doon is open.  When the time comes they will have to decide to live in Doon or leave it forever.  Veronica's love (who she saw visions of before coming to Scotland) is the crown prince of Doon, Jamie.  Then the romance continues all the way through the climax and the resolution of the book.  In an unfortunate turn, the book ended cliff hanger-ish.  My only problem with the ending is that it could have easily been avoided if the characters had just thought a little bit.

This book was like a loaf of bread.  Yummy, but pretty much average.  Not special but not bad either.  This book is a 2.5.

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