Eon's master has been cultivating Eon as a candidate for the rigorous testing for Dragoneye power and control of a dragon. Despite sporting a lame leg, Eon arrives to the testing only to be ignored by the Ascendant Dragon in favor of one of the other competitors. In the end, it doesn't much matter; the Mirror Dragon roars back into the world after 500 years and chooses Eon, who now has to take the Mirror Dragoneye's place in court.
Thing is, she's a girl. Girls have no place in the rigidly chauvinistic imperial society, and to be found out will mean certain death for her- not even for the lying; for the crime of being a woman controlling a dragon and a position of power in the Emperor's government.
To make a long story short, she is unable to control or even call her dragon; normally, dragons will tell their lords their names. The mirror dragon is quiet, absent even, after their first contact, leaving Eon to deal with the Imperial intrigue by herself. She eventually realizes an even bigger surprise: her dragon, Eona, is female. She is the Queen of the Imperial Dragons and the only dragon to pass her power down a hereditary line: Eon's. At this point, the ruthless Lord Ido, Rat Dragoneye, executes a seamless coup and revolution with High Lord Sethon, who becomes the new emperor, at least in name. The Pearl Emperor is killed, and his heir escapes into the wilderness with Eona (by this point "out" to him and having changed her name to Eona) and a few royal guards and their friends. End book one.
Eona takes place a short time after Eon, and it follows Eona's path to controlling and using her power. She discovers that she has both the power to heal grievous wounds with the Mirror Dragon and the power to completely take over the minds of people she has thus healed. She and the new Pearl Emperor, Kygo, form a plan to take back his throne with the rebel armies hidden around the land, but first, Eona must control her power. To this end, they liberate the betrayed-and-tortured Lord Ido so he can teach Eona about her power. As the plot progresses, she is increasingly caught between Kygo and Lord Ido- romantically, and idealistically. As she is forced to make her choices, she risks being lost at every step to Sethon's armies, rogue Imperial dragons, and the dark hua (life force) of all that is twisted and corrupt.
I strongly recommend this book to those who have read Eon... and I recommend both books to those who haven't yet. It is amazingly written, has a superbly evocative setting, and doesn't hesitate to cross the line in a way that modern fantasies all too often don't attempt. Warnings, though, to the faint of heart; this book is violent and has sensual content.
I'm not in the mood for an outside-of-the-box review right now- it's a 5, take it or leave it.