The Singing Bones
Illustrated by Shaun Tan
Foreword by Neil Gaiman
A brand new outlook on the Brothers Grimm Tales, Shaun Tan provides inspiring and thought-provoking images to correspond with each story. Each tale has an excerpt from the original story, and Shaun uses objects that are so realistic and primitive-looking that you can almost feel them through the picture. Each object looks worn and touchable, tempting you to reach into the page and hold it, stroking the material while you read the story. Each picture embodies the story- it is not just a single snapshot from a scene in the story- it embodies the entire thing. Shaun Tan uses lighting and color to draw your attention to certain details and focus the aesthetic of the art. The foreword by Neil Gaiman is very attractive to any reader who knows his works, and the foreword itself is well written and causes the reader to gain interest in the artwork, as well as the artist. I think that this is a really interesting book that changes your view and interpretation of the Grimm stories in new and insightful ways. However, the book only contains excerpts from each story. You almost don't even need to read the stories themselves, as "a picture is worth a thousand words." Shaun Tan, using his skill and insight, manages to illustrate the entire tale through one singular image, conveying the entire story while giving the emotions that go along with its components through lighting and how the clay is molded. If you want to see the Brothers Grimm Tales rather than read them, enjoy this book!

If I was to attribute this book to a food, I would say that it is a really well decorated cake, with details and scenery decorated all over it. This is because this book was very visual and "tasted" pretty good!
If you are interested in seeing more by Shaun Tan, visit