These are example of books for each in-the-box rating, and food to go along with them. Hopefully this will give people an idea of what my dual ratings mean.
This book was beyond amazing
. I would say that this is a vanilla soufflé with caramel sauce and a mango chutney. It was absolutely amazing, so mind blowingly awesome that it doesn't even matter that there isn't any chocolate.

4. Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austin
This is a creamy, homemade macaroni and cheese. Its filling, and
comforting, and is perfect for a cold rainy day.
3. The Princess Diaries, by Meg Cabot
This was like cotton candy. It was sweet, but after more than a couple bites, it becomes sickly sweet.
2. Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer
This was...well, i don't know. It was bad though. The writing style made me want to barf. It was comparable to over-cooked boiled spinach; slimy and gross.
1. Brighton Beach Memoirs, by Neil Simon
This book was so terrible that i cant imagine any food bad enough to compare it too. Picture eating fire, or wood. it was that painful.
The food rating cracked me up! I especially liked Ice, which was awesome even though there was no chocolate.