The book has a strange way to tell this story. The main character, Steve Harmon, who wants to be a movie director, tells it. This book is like the screenplay of the movie from what is happening now. But in some points this form stops, and there is a text like if we are looking into the journey of Steve Harmon. It is written with letters like handwriting. First this could be uncomfortable, but then when we get used to it, it is really good. The book is a Literature. It makes you think, while you reading it, and after too. And at the end, you get the big question.

The whole story starts like there is a robbery which includes some people. We don’t know if Steve is included, or not. We hear two sides. One says that Steve was in the shop. He looked around, came out, and gave a sign. So they say he is included, by “checking the place out”. But Steve says, he just went in, looked around and went home. He didn’t know about the robbery or anything else. He is innocent! He got a lawyer, but he has to stay in a cell, like other people, who committed crime. There is a big thing about that the jail is terrible, and of course it is.
I really liked the book, the way it is written seemed strange at first, but I like it now. I started to read it because I love this court stuff, how things work, how they figure out what happened, the arguing. It was a kind of hard to read it because the language was sort of disgusting in some parts. I mean the thing that it described. The book has some thought about black and white people, we can see it from the idea that a 16 year old black boy involved in a murder of a white shop owner and how much they want to suck him in, without almost any reason!
This book deserve every single reward it got, and congratulations to the writer, because this is a really good book, and I was nervous after reading it, and I could hardly catch my breath while I was reading it! I recommend it to everyone to read it.
Review by Andras W.
Monster, by Walter Dean Myers, is a good book with good events. Steve Harmon is faced with the possibility in prison. He is on testimony and must prove himself innocent. It doesn't look to good for him at first. The prosecution has a strong point against Steve, make him look like all other gang members even if he wasn't involved. With a good plot and good events I think this is a good book for all ages. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a good novel.