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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Original Sin

By Lisa Desrochers

When I heard that we got this book I literally jumped up in down, I was that excited. Original Sin is the long awaited sequel to Personal Deamons, and I have been dying to get my hands on it. Waiting my turn for it nearly killed me. This morning I finally got it after what must have been eternity (less than a day) and immediately began to read. I couldn't wait for the continuation of Personal Deamons.
Obviously these are some pretty high standards for a book, but it didn't disappoint. Luc, a smoking hot deamon turned human, and Frannie, who is just plain awesome, return. I won't go off in an obsessive rant, because it would ruin Personal Deamons for anyone who hasn't read it. I'll just say that it totally lived up to my expectations, and that if there isn't another one soon I just may die.
In terms of food I would say this is chocolate. Not generic, lame chocolate, but the really good stuff. It's life changing and once you have some you simply must have more. That is what these books are, after that first taste you just can't put it down.
For anyone who wants a number on the book it is, obviously, a 5.


  1. Make sure we get both the first and the sequel onto our summer book order! Sounds great. Can't wait to read Personal Daemons.

  2. Thank you so much for the wonderful review! I sent book three (title to be released soon) to my editor on Friday! It will be out in May 2012. So glad you're looking forward to it! =)


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